for Organ, Hammond Organ and Orchestra
in memoriam Pierre Boulez
Co-commissioned by: ElbPhilharmonie Hamburg, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Kölner Philharmonie (KölnMusik),
Center for Fine Arts (BOZAR) Brussels, Müpa Budapest, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Philharmonie de Paris,
Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra and Southbank Centre
First performance: 10 October 2017 – Hamburg, Elbphilharmonia
Concertgebouw Orchestra
Conductor:Peter Eötvös
Iveta Apkalna, László Fassang
“Since Yuri Gagarin´s journey into space in 1961, technological advancements have caused us to marvel at the miracle of the cosmos. Research like Witten´s theory of the eleven dimensions and string theory has astounded us with its speculation on the nature of outer space, and has spurred me on in my compositional fantasy.
My work consists of three movements: Expansion, Multiversum and Time and Space.
It surrounds the audience with sound from all sides. The concert organ is played at the front of the hall and, although also played onstage, the rotating tone of the Hammond organ will sound from the back. The orchestral seating will reinforce the spatial impression of a tonal universe with the strings on the left, the woodwinds on the right and brass and percussion dispersed across the entire width of the stage.”
/Peter Eötvös – 2017/
Eötvös: Multiversum
Konzerhaus Wien, Vienna
Wiener Symphoniker
Leo Hussain
Iverta Apkalna, Laszlo Fassang, organ
Eötvös: Multiversum
Schönberg: Op 34
Bartók: Dance suite
Stravinsky: Symphony in 3 movements
Eötvös: Multiversum
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Philharmonia Orchestra
South Bank Center
Eötvös: Multiversum
Korean premiere
Iveta Apkalna, László Fassang - organ
Conductor: Péter Eötvös
Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra
Lotte Concert Hall
Eötvös: Dialog mit Mozart, Multiversum
Mozart: Ouvertüre "Entführung aus dem Serail"
Eötvös: Dialog mit Mozart
Reger: Mozart Variationen
Eötvös: Multiversum
Cond: Peter Eötvös
HR Orchestra Frankfurt
Alte Oper Frankfurt
Eötvös: Dialog mit Mozart, Multiversum
Mozart: Ouvertüre "Entführung aus dem Serail"
Eötvös: Dialog mit Mozart
Reger: Mozart Variationen
Eötvös: Multiversum
Cond: Peter Eötvös
HR Orchestra Frankfurt
Alte Oper Frankfurt
Eötvös: Multiversum
Swiss premiere
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Eötvös: Multiversum
Swiss premiere
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Eötvös: Multiversum
French premiere
Conductor: Pascal Rophé
Orchestra: Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire
Venue: Philharmonie
Eötvös: Multiversum
Iveta Apkalna, Laszlo Fassang - organ
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Amsterdam Concertgebouw
Eötvös: Multiversum
Dutch premiere
Iveta Apkalna, Laszlo Fassang - organ
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Amsterdam Concertgebouw
Eötvös: Multiversum
Hungarian permiere
Iveta Apkalna, Laszlo Fassang - organ
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Eötvös: Multiversum
Belgian permiere
Iveta Apkalna, Laszlo Fassang - organ
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Palais des Beaux-Arts
Eötvös: Multiversum
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Iveta Apkalna, Laszlo Fassang - organ
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Eötvös: Multiversum
World premiere
Iveta Apkalna, Laszlo Fassang - organ
Conductor: Peter Eötvös
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Publisher information
Schott Music Mainz
3 Flutes (3rd doubling piccolo)
3 Oboes (3rd doubling cor anglais)
3 Clarinets in Bb (1st and 2nd doubling in A, 3rd doubling bass clarinet)
Tenor saxophone
Baritone saxophone
3 Bassoons
4 Horns in F
3 Trumpets in C
3 Trombones
Timpani (doubling Chinese cymbal on Timpani)
Percussion: (3 Players)
I.(Behind the strings):
2 Crotales a2 (held in hands and struck against each other)
Tubular bells (poss. freely suspended, without stand)
Pair of cymbals
Cymbal (high), with metal threaded rod (diameter: 4mm)
Chinese cymbal on timpani (large, well singing)
5 Gongs
2 Maracas, loud (very high/high)
II (behind the tuba)
2 Crotales a2 (held in hands and struck against each other)
Tubular bells (poss. freely suspended, without stand)
Cymbal (medium), with metal threaded rod (diameter: 4mm)
Chinese cymbal on timpani (large, well singing)
5 Gongs
2 Metal tubes (high), with 2 small hammers
2 Maracas, loud (very high/high)
III (behind the woodwinds)
2 Crotales a2 (held in hands and struck against each other)
2 „classical” Cymbales antiques (sounding very nice and long)
Tubular bells (poss. freely suspended, without stand)
Cymbal (low), with meta! threaded rod (diameter: 4mm)
Chinese cymbal on timpani (large, well singing)
5 Gongs
2 Maracas, loud (very high/high)
6 Violins
6 Violas
6 Violoncellos
4 Double basses
It’s necessary to place 4 microphones around the Leslie box of the hammond organ to obtain a quasi-stereo reproduction ofthe ambient sound in the audience. The sound engineer has to sit in the audience to control the sound.
Further information
“Seit Juri Gagarins Flug ins All 1961 überrascht uns die technische Entwicklung ständig mit neuen kosmischen Wunderbildern, und Forschungen wie Wittens Theorie der elf Dimensionen oder die String-theorie verblüffen mit Spekulationen über die Beschaffenheit des Weltraums und beflügeln meine kompositorische Fantasie.
Mein Stück had drei Sätze: Expansion, Multiversum, Time and Space.
Es wird den Hörer von allen Seiten mit Klang umgeben. Vorne erklingt die Konzertorgel, von hinten die Hammond-Orgel, die zwar auf dem Podium gespielt wird, deren rotierenden Klang man jedoch aus der entgegengesetzten Richtung hören wird. Die Aufstellung des Orchesters verstärkt den räumlichen Eindruck eines Klanguniversums: Die Streiche sind links, die Holzbläser rechts positioniert und die Blechbläser sowie das Schlagzeug werden über die volle Breite des Podiums verteilt.”
/Peter Eötvös – 2017/
hr-Sinfonieorchester, Frankfurt Radio Symphony
Iveta Apkalna, Organ; László Fassang, Hammond-Organ; Alte Oper Frankfurt – 2017

MüpArt classic Peter Eötvös and Royal Consertgebouw Orchesra Amsterdam, 2017
Liszt: From the Cradle to the Grave
Bartók: Dance Suite, Sz. 77, BB 86
Stravinsky: Symphony in Three Movements
Peter Eötvös: Multiversum – Hungarian premiere
SEE Concert HERE >